We are a direction and photography duo.

We are passionate about stories. And our specialty is to tell them, visually. The harmony between the male and female point of view, the background of the agency and the producer view, creativity and planning are striking characteristics in our team. This combination of skills allows us to create impactful content through a dynamic and innovative language with a strong sense of storytelling - all in the most authentic and honest way
we know.

Gustavo Guives Leal is a director and designer, with approximately 10 years of advertising experience. He has already won two lions in Cannes and has jobs for brands such as Peugeot, Citroën, Toyota, Nivea, Nissin, Fox Channel, Hershey’s, Hering, etc. Today he also divides his time photographing and directing content and video clips.

Fernanda Magalhães is a director and assistant director, with approximately seven years of advertising experience. She has worked for brands such as Netflix, Samsung, Citroën, Toyota, Nissan, Volkswagen, Dove, TreSemmé, Rexona, Bradesco and Spotify.


+55 011 98260.3773



São Paulo, SP - Brasil